Select every n-th

During the last project I had to deal with quite many different selections in a procedural way. To make my life easier I created a simple tool to handle selecting every n-th element of the current selection. This is the barebone version of the main function.
fn selectEveryNth obj nr:2 sub_obj: =
    struct elementSelection (_get,_set)
    local element_selection

    case classOf obj of
            if sub_obj == unsupplied do
                local sub_object_level = if classOf subObjectLevel != Integer then 1 else subObjectLevel
                sub_obj = #(#vert,#edge,#edge,#poly,#poly)[sub_object_level]
            case sub_obj of
                #vert: element_selection = elementSelection _get:getVertSelection _set:polyOp.setVertSelection
                #edge: element_selection = elementSelection _get:getEdgeSelection _set:polyOp.setEdgeSelection
                #poly: element_selection = elementSelection _get:getFaceSelection _set:polyOp.setFaceSelection
            local element_count = (local original_selection = (element_selection._get obj) as array).count - 1
            local new_selection = for i = 1 to element_count by nr collect original_selection[i]
            element_selection._set obj new_selection
            if sub_obj == unsupplied do
                local sub_object_level = if classOf subObjectLevel != Integer then 1 else subObjectLevel
                sub_obj = #(#vert,#edge,#edge)[sub_object_level]
            case sub_obj of
                #vert: element_selection = elementSelection _get:getKnotSelection _set:setKnotSelection
                #edge: element_selection = elementSelection _get:getSegSelection _set:setSegSelection
            local original_selection = element_selection._get obj 1 --for the sake of simplicity works on 1-segment splines
                                                                    --feel free to collect multiple arrays for each segment
                                                                    --if you for some reason need it
            local element_count = original_selection.count - 1
            local new_selection = for i = 1 to element_count by nr collect original_selection[i]
            element_selection._set obj 1 new_selection
USAGE: evaluate and supply the function with a valid node (editable spline or editable poly)with elements you want to filter out already selected, like so:

selectEveryNth $

The optional parameters nr and sub_obj allow to choose every which element to select (default results in selecting every 2nd) and what element it should be (#vert, #edge and in case of editable poly also #poly):

selectEveryNth $ nr:3 sub_obj:#poly --select every 3rd polygon

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