Simple to-do list

Following the question asked in ScriptSpot Forums :: Working checklist I decided to make the code snippet usable in real life and made a basic to-do list with automatic saving and loading of the tasks (saves a different file for each user), resizable interface and... well, no other distractions at all. As usual, no .mse, just plain text for you to have a look at and reuse:
try destroyDialog listview_rollout catch()
rollout listview_rollout " Task List v0.02" width:190 height:300
    -- Layout Section

    editText etTaskName "" width:75 pos:[6,8]
    button btnAdd "Add" pos:[85,7]
    button btnRemove "Remove" pos:[121,7]
    dotNetControl dncTaskList "System.Windows.Forms.ListView" pos:[3,37] width:184 height:260

    -- Private Globals

    local dn_listitem = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem"
    local dn_buttons = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons"
    local dn_file = dotNetClass "System.IO.File"
    local dn_streamwriter = dotNetClass "System.IO.StreamWriter"
    local dn_streamreader = dotNetClass "System.IO.StreamReader"
    local dn_garbage = dotNetClass "System.GC"
    local file_name = ((dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Application").LocalUserAppDataPath + "\\to-do.list")
    local file_stream = undefined
    local check_states, sel_nums = #(), sel_nums_count = 0 -- for the listview checkbox workaround all the credits go to Jon Huhn
                                                           -- for more details see
    -- Event Handlers

    on listview_rollout open do
        dncTaskList.View = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.View").Details
            dncTaskList.BorderStyle = dncTaskList.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
            dncTaskList.FullRowSelect = true
            dncTaskList.GridLines = true
            dncTaskList.CheckBoxes = true
            colums_arr = #(#(" ", 18), #("Task", 166))
            for i in colums_arr do (dncTaskList.Columns.Add i[1] i[2])

        if doesFileExist file_name do
            local read_line, list_items = #()
            local new_item = dotNetObject dn_listitem ""
                new_item.SubItems.Add ""

            file_stream = dotNetObject dn_streamreader file_name
            while (read_line = file_stream.ReadLine()) != undefined do

                local line_item = filterString read_line "\t"
                    list_item = new_item.Clone()
                    list_item.Checked = line_item[1] as booleanClass    
                    list_item.SubItems.Item[1].Text = line_item[2]

                append list_items list_item

            dncTaskList.Items.AddRange list_items            
            list_items = undefined

            file_stream = undefined
            gc light:true

    on btnAdd pressed do
        if etTaskName.text != "" do
            local new_item = dotNetObject dn_listitem ""
                new_item.SubItems.Add etTaskName.text
                new_item.Checked = false

            dncTaskList.Items.Add new_item
            new_item = undefined

    on btnRemove pressed do
        selected_count = dncTaskList.SelectedItems.Count - 1
        for index = selected_count to 0 by -1 do
            dncTaskList.Items.Remove dncTaskList.SelectedItems.Item[index]

    on dncTaskList ItemSelectionChanged do
        local selected_count = dncTaskList.selectedIndices.count - 1

        sel_nums = for each = 0 to selected_count collect

        sel_nums_count = sel_nums.count
        check_states = for each = 1 to sel_nums_count collect

    on dncTaskList MouseUp ctrl evnt do
        if evnt.Button == dn_buttons.Left do
            for item = 1 to sel_nums.count do
                dncTaskList.Items.Item[sel_nums[item]].Checked = check_states[item]

            check_states = #()
            sel_nums = #()

    on dncTaskList ColumnClick ctrl evnt do
        if evnt.Column == 0 do
            local checked_arr = #()
            local unchecked_arr = #()
            for i = 0 to (listview_rollout.dncTaskList.Items.count - 1) do
                case listview_rollout.dncTaskList.Items.Item[i].Checked of
                    true : append checked_arr listview_rollout.dncTaskList.Items.Item[i]
                    false : append unchecked_arr listview_rollout.dncTaskList.Items.Item[i]
            dncTaskList.Items.AddRange (join checked_arr unchecked_arr)

    on listview_rollout resized rollout_size do
        if rollout_size[1] <= 190 do
            listview_rollout.width = 190 --limit dialog resizing

        if rollout_size[2] <= 150 do
            listview_rollout.height = 150

        dncTaskList.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" (listview_rollout.width - 6) (listview_rollout.height - 40)
        dncTaskList.Columns.Item[1].Width = (listview_rollout.width - 24) 

    on listview_rollout close do
        file_stream = dotNetObject dn_streamwriter (dn_file.Create file_name)
        item_count = listview_rollout.dncTaskList.Items.Count - 1

        for index = 0 to item_count do
            file_stream.WriteLine ((local list_item = listview_rollout.dncTaskList.Items.Item[index]).Checked as string + "\t" + list_item.SubItems.Item[1].Text)

        file_stream = undefined
createDialog listview_rollout style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_resizing)
USAGE: Run the script, add items, check/uncheck them, remove them – there's not much else to do with it.

To-do list interface

DISCLAIMER: All scripts and snippets are provided as is under Creative Commons Zero (public domain, no restrictions) license. The author and this blog cannot be held liable for any loss caused as a result of inaccuracy or error within these web pages. Use at your own risk.

This Post needs Your Comment!


Great work man. Thanks for the script.


nice script...

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