If you ever needed a lot of individual chunks instead of a large mesh, you know that it's not so easy to spilt the mesh (in a grid) and detach all the resulting elements into individual meshes. If you only need to separate it in let's say 10,000 individual pieces, this script may be for you:
try destroyDialog sliceInChunks catch()
rollout sliceInChunks "Slice in Chunks" width:187
spinner spnStep1 "" range:[1,10,4] type:#integer width:40 across:3 align:#left
spinner spnStep2 "\xd7 " range:[1,10,3] type:#integer width:55 offset:[-14,0]
spinner spnStep3 "\xd7 " range:[1,10,3] type:#integer width:55 align:#right
checkBox chxHidden "Make the sliced chunks hidden" checked:true align:#center offset:[0,3]
button btnSlice "" height:27 align:#center offset:[0,5]
progressBar pbStep1 "" width:170 height:10 color:orange offset:[-5,5]
progressBar pbStep2 "" width:170 height:10 color:[0,100,180] offset:[-5,0]
local detachFaces = meshOp.detachFaces
local getElement = meshOp.getElementsUsingFace
local meshSlice = meshOp.slice
fn updateCount =
btnSlice.text = " Slice into " + (spnStep1.value^2 * spnStep2.value^2 * spnStep3.value^2) as string + " pieces "
mapped fn renameDetached obj formatStr &objCount =
obj.name += formattedPrint (objCount += 1) format:formatStr
fn explodeMesh obj intCount &detachedObjs =
detachedObjs[1] = obj
for element = 2 to intCount do
local newMesh = detachFaces obj (getElement obj 1) delete:true asMesh:true
(detachedObjs[element] = (copy obj name:#detached isHidden:true)).mesh = newMesh
delete newMesh
fn explodeMeshNoCollect obj intCount =
for element = 2 to intCount do
local newMesh = detachFaces obj (getElement obj 1) delete:true asMesh:true
(copy obj name:#detached isHidden:true).mesh = newMesh
delete newMesh
fn sliceObjXY obj intCount =
local objFaces = obj.faces
local sliceWidthX = (obj.max - obj.min).x/intCount
local slicePosX = obj.min.x - obj.pos.x
local sliceWidthY = (obj.max - obj.min).y/intCount
local slicePosY = obj.min.y - obj.pos.y
for i = 2 to intCount do
meshSlice obj objFaces [1,0,0] (slicePosX += sliceWidthX) separate:true
meshSlice obj objFaces [0,1,0] (slicePosY += sliceWidthY) separate:true
fn sliceObjChunks obj intStep1 intStep2 intStep3 =
if queryBox ("This operation will reset undo buffer.\nAre you sure you want to continue?") title:"Warning"
do with redraw off, undo off
statusPanel.visible = false
setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#create
if NOT isKindOf obj Editable_mesh do
convertToMesh obj
obj.name = #detached
hide obj
local intStep1_2 = intStep1^2, intStep2_2 = intStep2^2, intStep3_2 = intStep3^2
local progressStep1 = 100/intStep1_2, progressStep2 = 100/intStep2_2
local detachedObjs = #() ; detachedObjs[intStep1_2] = undefined
local explodedArr = #() ; explodedArr[intStep2_2] = undefined
explodeMesh (sliceObjXY obj intStep1) intStep1_2 &detachedObjs
for each in detachedObjs do
pbStep2.value = 0
explodeMesh (sliceObjXY each intStep2) intStep2_2 &explodedArr
for chunk in explodedArr do
explodeMeshNoCollect (sliceObjXY chunk intStep3) intStep3_2
pbStep2.value += progressStep2
each = undefined
if keyboard.escPressed do exit
pbStep1.value += progressStep1
detachedObjs = $detached* as array
local objCount = 0
local formatStr = "." + ((detachedObjs.count as string).count as string) + "i"
renameDetached detachedObjs formatStr &objCount
if NOT chxHidden.checked do unhide detachedObjs
statusPanel.visible = true
pbStep1.value = pbStep2.value = 0
on sliceInChunks open do updateCount()
on spnStep1 changed val do updateCount()
on spnStep2 changed val do updateCount()
on spnStep3 changed val do updateCount()
on btnSlice pressed do
st = timeStamp()
sliceObjChunks selection[1] spnStep1.value spnStep2.value spnStep3.value
format "Time: % sec.\n" ((timeStamp() - st)/1000.)
createDialog sliceInChunks
USAGE: Select an object that you want to slice, enter numbers that when multiplied together give the number of segments in X as well as Y direction and press the button. If you want to stop execution of the script, press and hold ESC key (it needs to be pressed when the blue bar reaches end). If you don't want the resulting meshes to be hidden, uncheck the checkbox.
DISCLAIMER: All scripts and snippets are provided as is under Creative Commons Zero (public domain, no restrictions) license. The author and this blog cannot be held liable for any loss caused as a result of inaccuracy or error within these web pages. Use at your own risk.
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